WC Region Senior Public Speaking
Ponoka District hosts
Ponoka District hosts
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPENCLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://www.4habregistration.ca/signinREGISTRATION DEADLINE MARCH 4th.PAYMENT must be received to approve your registration.
Rocky Mountain House District hosts
Program Team 4-H Alberta is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86448834673?pwd=dDJtMmdyOUI5OHFDdGRaN0pTdjhHUT09 Meeting ID: 864 4883 4673 Passcode: 203074 One tap mobile +15873281099,,86448834673# Canada +16473744685,,86448834673# Canada Dial by your location +1 587 328 1099 Canada +1 647 374 4685 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1...
This event is being Held at the Wainwright High School 800 6 St, Wainwright, AB Competitors will have to register in the Online Registration System for the NE Region Communications Competition 2023 to attend: https://www.4habregistration.ca/signin
Coronation district hosting
Times and details to be updated closer to event.District winners will be required to register online (TBA)District Reponsibilities:Host - Pincher CreekJunior Public Speaking - LethbridgeIntermediate Public Speaking - CardstonSenior Public Speaking - Willow Creek Presentations - Vulcan
Register in the Online Registration System: https://www.4habregistration.ca/signinRegistration Opens : March 1, 2023Registration Closes: March 19, 2023Registration Fee: $30 per memberOpen to ALL NE Region 4-H Members
Hanna District hosting
This is a family friendly event. Come out for a morning of swimming and an afternoon of skating. Games room is available for board games and card games, for the day. Not just for Calgary Region 4-H Members & Cleaver Kids in good standing but also for the entire family.The cost is $5 per person...