February 9, 2022
On February 8, 2022, the Government of Alberta announced new changes to COVID guidelines and restrictions for the province of Alberta. According to AHS, the public health measures will be lifted in 3 stages. The changes announced can be found on the AHS website at COVID public health actions |
As always, 4-H Alberta continues to follow AHS guidelines related to COVID-19. Check with your facility and call your local health inspector if you have questions specific to your area that may affect your event or program, especially if you are the event organizer.
4-H Alberta is listening to our community and working with AHS to provide clarity and support wherever possible to continue to support the development of our youth.
We will update our 4-H community with new information as soon as it becomes available.
As COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions can change quickly, we encourage our 4-H community to visit the Alberta government website for the most recent updates. The links to AHS COVID-19 information and resources can be found under the Links & Resources heading.
On September 29, 4-H Alberta heard back from AHS and received clarification on some key questions raised by our community. 4-H Alberta will continue to follow AHS requirements directly. All 4-H activities must follow one of the options AHS has provided for indoor activities as well as any additional requirements of any facilities used for 4-H activities.
Youth (under 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities (September 16, 2021) *These guidelines apply to youth (under 18) ONLY.
- Indoor group classes, training, and competitions are permitted, but participants are required to:
- screen for symptoms
- maintain 2-metres distancing, except youth while engaged in physical activity
- wear a mask, except youth while engaged in physical activity
- Spectator attendance is restricted to 1/3 fire code capacity. Attendees are limited to a single household or 2 close contacts if living alone and must be masked and maintain 2-metres physical distance.
- Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.
- 4-H members 18 years of age and older must fall into the category of coaches, instructors, trainers, referees or leaders and are not considered part of the participants/attendees when considering whether it is a youth or adult activity. However, coaches, instructors, trainers and referees 18 years of age or older are subject to restrictions and any aspects of the Restrictions Exemption Program requirements the facility may have in place
Adult (18-plus) sport, fitness and performance activities (September 20)
- The following restrictions apply unless the facility or program implements the Restrictions Exemption Program:
- Indoor group classes and activities are not permitted.
- Indoor competitions are paused except where vaccine exemptions have been granted.
- Indoor one-on-one training and solo activities are allowed with 3-metre physical distancing.
- Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.
For meetings or events involving adults (18 and over) AHS has provided two options listed below if facilities have not already determined which option to follow:
Implement the Restrictions Exemption Program requiring proof of vaccination or negative test result, plus mandatory masking, to continue operating as usual.
Indoor entertainment, event and recreation facilities (September 20)
- Indoor facilities that do not implement the Restrictions Exemption Program must follow these restrictions:
- Capacity limited to 1/3 fire code occupancy.
- Attendees must be with household members only, or two close contacts if they live alone.
Clarity for Indoor Facility Options
Please refer to your facility for clarity.
Helpful Chart
COVID Waivers– 4-H Alberta is requiring that all participants in 4-H meetings, activities, events or programs sign the COVID waiver found in the Online Registration System (ORS). For those family members or guests that are not in the ORS please sign a printed copy and Club Leaders will keep on file. In general waivers protect 4-H Alberta, its staff and volunteers who are attempting to follow AHS guidelines.
4-H Canada is currently creating resources for proper management of vaccination records More information will be provided when obtained.
What are guidelines for hosting at home in a shop? Always check with your personal insurance company before hosting any activities or events. The following is additional information that AHS provided: “If a private venue is indoors, they would need to follow the above advice related to indoor youth sport, fitness and performance activities. The venue owner/operator is able to choose whether to participate in the restrictions exemption program. Masking would be required at all times indoors when not engaging in physical activity.”
4-H strongly recommends virtual meetings for non youth activities & meetings.
Despite everyone’s best efforts, it appears that this year may have some disruptions. Therefore, 4-H Alberta will be temporarily implementing additional withdrawal flexibility for the 2021/22 Club year:
- 100% refund by December 1, 2021
- 70% refund after supplies are provided by January 15, 2022
More information can be found at
Please continue to follow AHS guidelines and recommendations. 4-H Alberta continues to follow AHS guidelines and does not create or provide its own set of guidelines or restrictions.
AHS COVID-19 webpage –
AHS current public health measures – Enhanced public health measures |
Resource page – COVID-19 Response Resources
Updated COVID19 FAQs page – FAQs – COVID-19
AHS Interactive map showing High Case and Lower Case Areas for Alberta – AHS Interactive Map
Activity Plans
COVID-19 Emergency Plan if Someone Gets Sick – PDF
AHS COVID-19 Event Guest List – PDF
AHS COVID-19 Event Guest List – XLS
Example 4-H Alberta Private Event Sign
Example Activity Plan – District Multi Project Show
Example Activity Plan – District Livestock Show
Example Activity Plan – Beef or Sheep Club Show
Example Activity Plan – Horse Club Show
Example Activity Plan – Non-Animal Club Show
Note: 9(e) does not reflect current AHS guidelines. In Alberta, only the person that is deemed to be a close contact with a confirmed case must quarantine for 14 days. If the person tests negative or shows no symptoms then the person can participate after 14 days. This is a 4-H Canada document and we are currently working with them on amending 9(e).