We’re Building Strong Relationships


What is 4-H?

Welcome to 4-H! Many know of this Alberta institution and popular program that has been around since 1917. Over the years, however, 4-H has quietly evolved into a dynamic program whose projects encompass everything from active living, arts, science and technology, crafts, cooking, agriculture and so much more! Today’s exciting 4-H program gives urban and rural youth and adults life-long skills such as co-operation, leadership, interpersonal relations, critical thinking, decision making, organization, public speaking and community service.

We all want the best for our kids but we know that healthy, active social programs that boost tactile performance and build up self-confidence while being fun and engaging can be costly or inconvenient. That is why 4-H is designed with families in mind. Parents and children of all ages can participate in age-appropriate meetings and projects at the same time. No more running in two or more directions to accommodate each child’s activities. 4-H is also affordable. Our vested interest in making sure Alberta families have a firm foundation for life means we’ve made our program financially accessible for all income levels. In fact, with our scholarships we may wind up giving you money!

Best of all, the program is fun. We believe to be equipped for success, you must learn by doing. At 4-H you will learn through using your head, heart hands and health:

4-H Alberta is a registered charity recognized as the premier youth leadership organization in Alberta. Working together in a vibrant, thriving environment, 4-H Alberta connects people, ideas, and communities for a lifetime of benefit.


Start a 4-H Club


4-H Benefits

The programs and projects members take part in during their time in 4-H helps them become assertive and confident leaders who are able to make decisions and facilitate change. In 4-H members learn to take responsibility, establish goals for themselves and others, plan large projects/events and work towards a greater purpose – making the youth of today great leaders of tomorrow. 4-H Leadership Opportunities for Adults

The goal of 4-H Alberta is to encourage members to see themselves for who they are – active, audible, and accountable leaders of tomorrow. 4-H members are taught to be self-directed learners, excellent communicators, and to thrive in a team environment. This leads to them having self confidence in their judgments, ability and their power to facilitate change. 4-H members also grow-up in a supportive environment that encourages them to learn from mistakes and take risks which leads to them being confident young adults prepared to navigate their careers and personal lives.

Youth in 4-H acquire a number of transferable skills including in the ability to take initiative, leaderships skills, problem-solving, time management , public speaking and interpersonal communication skills as well as many more. By the time 4-H members become 4-H alumni they have developed skills that will help them succeed in any future endeavours they decide to undertake.

Did We Mention We Give Out Awards and Money? Ya, that’s what gets most people’s attention.

4-H members pursuing a post-secondary education have the opportunity to secure thousands (yes thousands!) of dollars in scholarships to support their goals and aspirations.

4-H Alberta recognizes our members’ hard work and achievements through our own award programs including the honour of being recognized as the Premier’s Award Recipient. Imagine how good THAT would look on a resume!

We love to go places so if you’re the travelling type then 4-H is THE place to be. Every year 4-H members hit the road, touring across the country, North America and even over an ocean or two.

And remember, with travel comes perspective; with perspective comes wisdom and with wisdom come confidence, maturity, introspection and curiosity. All of which are attributes that 4-H aims to grow in our members.


Programs for Any Interest

4-H programs focus on developing self-confidence, teamwork, interpersonal and leadership skills. Whether it’s a summer camp built around having a blast in the great outdoors, a program that helps youth take ownership of their choices and their future, or a combination of the two that allows them to find their own entrepreneurial spirit and take pride in their achievements, 4-H programs provide the meaningful experiences every child deserves.

4-H Is…

In 4‑H, youth run the show. 4‑H clubs typically meet once a month as a large group where youth of all ages take on different leadership roles to make decisions and plan events. Clubs organize fun outings, achievement days and fundraisers, and participate in various activities within their communities. Life-long friendships are formed at the meetings, during the activities and through our camps.

We make learning fun. Our flexible projects are designed for solo or partner/group participation.  You are limited only by your imagination.  If you can dream it up, you can turn it into a project.  So go ahead and develop a pest management system for crops, explore your dramatic side on stage, learn how to prepare healthy meals, or even start a small business.  You’re never too young or too old to have fun learning by doing.

It just makes sense to belong to an organization that brings the whole family together. 4‑H clubs rely on family support and volunteer leadership from each adult and 4‑H member. That’s how we make things happen. Youth and adults are all a part of the 4‑H family.

4-H takes into account everyone’s different personalities and skills.  The program is a safe and encouraging place to work in – or push out of – your comfort zone.  It is the ultimate place to fit in, explore your passions, and discover new interests all while learning the skills that will take you through school, relationships, post-secondary education and your career.


Join a 4-H Club

Are you ready to register your children (ages 9 – 20) in a family-friendly 4-H club that promotes healthy, active, social, community living through a wide variety of fun and interesting projects?


1 day ago

Don't forget:A gentle reminder that part of the scholarship application requirements is to submit your final official transcripts to scholarship@4hab.com NO LATER than end of day August 1, 2024. If we have not received your official transcripts by August 1, 2024, then your application may not be considered for scholarships.For more information on how to request your transcripts please visit:- 2024 High School Transcripts: ow.ly/ELON50SeGN9- 2024 Post Secondary School Transcripts: ow.ly/8tOK50SeGN7If you have any questions, please reach out to scholarship@4hab.com prior to August 1, 2024. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 days ago

We had an amazing time with 45 seniors from across the province, learning essential leadership skills together. Our 8 summer staff and Summer Programs Coordinator worked hard to teach:-4-H Leader Policies and Procedures 📜-What it means to be a 4-H Leader/Youth Leader 💬-Different leadership styles 🧭-Personality tests and teamwork 🤝-Handling conflict with peers and youth 🛠️-Emergency procedures 🚨-Playing to strengths and adapting 🏋️‍♀️-Leading games and activities 🎲-Acting out real-life scenarios with youth 🎭Our youth leaders are ready to shine and lead with confidence! 💪#LeadershipSkills #ylead #youthleaders #4hleaders #teamwork #summercamp #LearningAndFun #youthempowerment ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

4-H Alberta helps youth develop essential life skills through hands-on projects. From public speaking to practical science, gain skills that prepare you for the future. Our programs offer fun and engaging experiences that foster growth, leadership, and community involvement. Join us to build a better tomorrow!Learn more at 4-H Alberta#4halberta #EducateEmpowerInspire #youthdevelopment #lifeskills #handsonlearning #FutureLeaders #publicspeaking #practicalscience #join4H #CommunityImpact #SkillBuilding #YouthOpportunities #LearnByDoing #EmpowerTheFuture #4Hfamily ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Our "learn by doing" philosophy ensures that you gain practical skills while having a blast. Whether it's through agriculture, science and technology, arts, or leadership projects, we provide fun and engaging learning experiences that prepare you for the future.Join us and become part of a community dedicated to educating youth, empowering them with essential skills, and inspiring them to make a difference. Discover the joy of learning new things, making lifelong friends, and positively impacting your community.Don't miss out on this incredible journey! ...#4HAlberta #EducateEmpowerInspire #YouthEmpowerment #LeadershipDevelopment #HandsOnLearning #Join4H #CommunityImpact #SkillBuilding #FutureLeaders #YouthDevelopment #LearnByDoing #EmpowerTheFuture #4HFamily #YouthOpportunities #LearningIsFun #EngagingEducation ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

At 4-H Alberta, we believe in educating youth, empowering them with valuable skills, and inspiring them to make a difference. Our hands-on learning and leadership opportunities help shape future leaders and create lasting impacts in our communities. Join us on this incredible journey and be a part of the 4-H family. Discover more at 4-H Alberta!...#4halberta #EducateEmpowerInspire #youthempowerment #leadershipdevelopment #handsonlearning #join4H #CommunityImpact #SkillBuilding #FutureLeaders #youthdevelopment #LearnByDoing #EmpowerTheFuture #4Hfamily #YouthOpportunities ... See MoreSee Less
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