Mona Bristow

Platinum Jubilee Medal Recipient

“A True Champion of 4-H Programs and Community Involvement”

Mona Bristow is an influential and dedicated promoter of 4-H programs at every level, using meetings, social media, and emails to share the benefits of various initiatives. Her commitment to encouraging young members to participate in 4-H programs is evident through the experiences of her own children, who have attended almost every 4-H program in the province and served as counselors at 4-H camps.

Mona’s innovative spirit is demonstrated by her creation of an annual 4-H Diary Workshop, which not only helps members document their achievements but also fosters a sense of community among new and existing members. As the “unofficial” photographer at events, Mona ensures members have the necessary project photos and gathers newspaper articles for those who do not receive the local paper.

As a club leader and Facebook administrator, Mona continuously adds valuable information for members and the wider community to showcase the impact of 4-H locally and beyond. Her extensive background in 4-H, including her 11-year membership with the Northminster 4-H Club and her 4-H Exchange trip to Illinois, USA, has contributed to her passion for the program.

In addition to her work with 4-H, Mona has also been an active volunteer in her community. She has served as the President of the School Parent Council and played a significant role in connecting her 4-H Club with the local FCSS, organizing breakfasts for students, and making food hampers. With her commitment to community involvement and passion for 4-H, Mona Bristow is truly an inspiring figure in the world of 4-H and beyond.