Premier’s Award Application

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To all Ambassadors – Application for Premier’s Award is now open.


Access the application form: Premier’s Award Application Form

The Premier’s Award Recipient is selected and awarded the honour at the annual Fall Senior Symposium program.  The Premier’s Award was donated personally by Honourable E.C. Manning, Premier of Alberta, and first presented to an outstanding 4-H member in 1964.

The recipient represents Alberta 4-H members at a variety of events over the following year, that may include delivering a keynote address, attending events, MCing banquets and or events.

The recipient will also attend one event per region, at the request of 4-H Area Coordinators, as an MC or other designated role.

Other highlights include:
  • Meeting Government of Alberta representatives.
  • Being a guest speaker at various agriculture events.
  • Opportunity to attend 4-H Canada’s 2024 Citizenship Congress.
  • Receiving the Ted Youck Outstanding Leadership in 4-H Alberta Award.

Ambassadors can apply for the role by filling out the online application and participating in the interview process.