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4-H Alberta Alumni Survey

4-H Alberta Alumni Survey

If you were previously a Member of 4-H Alberta, we want to hear from you!  If you are an alum, having completed 1 or more Club years as a Member, we invite you to join for free as a 4-H Alberta Alumni Member and have your say on the development of the new 4-H Alberta Alumni program.

4-H Alberta Discontinues 1-800 Numbers

4-H Alberta Discontinues 1-800 Numbers

Combining three organizations that operated 4-H in Alberta into one organization, 4-H Alberta, required streamlining its contact information.  As part of the streamlining and transfer process, 4-H Alberta cannot continue using the previously existing 1-800 numbers used by the 4-H Council of Alberta, the 4-H Foundation of Alberta, and the 4-H Section of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.

COVID-19 Update & Cohort Clarity by CEO Kurt Kinnear

COVID-19 Update & Cohort Clarity by CEO Kurt Kinnear

We are all ‘Learning to Do By Doing’ as we navigate in this 4-H 2020-2021 club year. With the recent changes announced by the Government of Alberta and AHS, Kurt Kinnear, 4-H Alberta CEO decided to prepare a video to talk about the challenges facing our 4-H community and the amazing work our volunteers are doing to ensure 4-H remains strong in our province.